I sincerely thank Sergio Buratto, the Tai Chi Kung (Tai Ki Kung) teacher from Treviso for giving me his permission to present texts from his site : on this site. Those texts I have either translated into Polish or adapted the information I found there in my own articles here on this site. Most of the information provided on the site in the articles presented both from Sergio and mine derive their source from Master Ming Wong teachings.
I would like to express my gratitude to Gaetano Ruvolo, for his permission to publish his interview with Master Ming.
I would like to thank Jacek Sypniewski for consulting my writing style and his help in editing the first draft of this site.
I also thank Tomek Szokalow for his precious comments on my style and factual contents of this site.
I am much obliged to Dariusz Krakowski, Michał Choński, Piotr Szafraniec, Wiesiek Wykrota, Marek Sokołowski and Anita Komorzycka for permitting me to publish all those inspiring photos taken by them.
I would like to express my thanks to the mastery of Piotr from Pruszków, who programmed engine for this site allowing fast publishing of information without straining my eyes.
I am much obliged to my wife Lada Malinakova for her consultations on the stylish and factual aspect of this site.
For all errors, linquistic and, most of all, mYSSprYnts I put the blame on myself and on my poor eyesite which prevents me from too long work in front of screen.
But it is going to improve. I work on it.
Marian Nosal